Online Froissart

English Translations (ToC)

Selected Chapters of the Chroniques Translated into English by Keira Borrill

Book I, translated from Besançon BM, ms. 864

1r Here begin the chronicles as recorded by master Jehan Froissart, which speak of the recent wars between France, England, Scotland, Spain, and Brittany, the first chapter of which refers to the cause thereof and the names of the lords who were involved in these affairs [1]

2r, Here follow the names of the most courageous and celebrated figures in this history, both from France and England [2]

2r, How king Edward was crowned in London, and concerning the opinions of the English, ms. 864 [3]

2v, For what reason the war was begun between the king of France and the king of England [4]

11r, How king Edward was crowned and how Sir Jean de Hainault was given four hundred pounds sterling in revenue. And how the king of Scotland challenged the young king of England [5]

18v, How the Scots escaped by night and of the return of the English to England, and of the marriage of the king of England to the daughter of the count of Hainault [6]

22r, The beginning of the wars of France and England and the reason they came about [7]

22v, How three Flemish divisions were overcome by night by the French [8]

23r, Of the judgements enacted by the king of England, and how he came to France [9]

24v, How the king of England crossed the sea to come to France to do homage to the king of France for the duchy of Guyenne and the county of Ponthieu [10]

135v, How the king of France and the king of England made preparations after the battle of Blanchetaque to go to the battle of Crécy [11]

138r, How king Philippe of France confronted king Edward of England and his son, the prince of Wales, at the battle of Crécy. And of the king of Bohemia who died in that place [12]

140r, How the English slaughtered those who came to the aid of the king of France. And of the great feasting and merrymaking they initiated for the victory they had won [13]

142r, How the king of England besieged the town of Calais, and of Sir Gauthier de Mauny [14]

143v, How the earl of Derby captured several towns and castles in Poitou and how he arrived at the siege of Calais [15]

145r, How the king of Scotland invaded England, laying waste to the country, and how the queen of England came to face him [16]

145v, How the English and the Scots fought, and of the Scots who were defeated and their king captured. And of the siege of Calais [17]

147v, Of the skirmishes which took place before Calais and how the count of Flanders was imprisoned by the Flemish [18]

150v, Of the great summons issued by king Philippe of France to raise the siege of Calais, but he could not [19]

Book II, translated from Besançon BM, ms. 865

1r, Here begins the second volume by Sir Jehan Froissart, which encompasses the recent wars of France, England, Scotland, Spain, Flanders and Italy, and many other parts of the world [20]

2v, How a messenger sent by king Charles of France was prevented from journeying to Scotland, and the contempt which arose between the king and the count of Flanders and others of his country [21]

5r, The clashes which took place in Normandy, and how Tête-Noire and Aimerigot and their companions captured numerous castles in the country of Auvergne, and so on [22]

7r, Of the schism in the church and how it came about, and of the Breton men-at-arms who fought against the citizens of Rome, and of the queen of Naples who gave her territories into the hands of pope Clement [23]

10r, How pope Clement came to Avignon and of the gift he made to the duke of Anjou, and how Sylvestre Budes and his companions were beheaded, and then of the land of Flanders and the adversity there, and so on [24]

11v, The principal cause and origin of the war between the count of Flanders and the Flemings, and how the White Hoods were established by Jan Yoens [25]

14r, How by the exhortation of Jan Yoens, the Ghenters sent envoys to the count of Flanders to defend their privileges, and of the count’s petition to suppress the White Hoods [26]

15v, How the White Hoods of Ghent slew the bailiff in the middle of the market place, and of the goods and houses belonging to the Mayhuus’ which were ravaged and ruined, and of the turmoil then in Ghent [27]

17r, Of the twelve townsmen of Ghent who were sent to the count of Flanders to beg peace from him, and how the White Hoods pillaged and razed the count’s castle in the town of Ghent [28]

18v, How Jan Yoens died, and of the captains the Ghenters appointed, and of the towns of Flanders which allied with the Ghenters against the count , and so on [29]

20v, How the Ghenters besieged the town of Oudenaarde from all sides, and of the fierce attack they launched on Dendermonde where the count of Flanders was residing [30]

22r, Of the attacks which took place outside Oudenaarde, and of the peace established between the Flemish and the count of Flanders by means of the duke of Burgundy and good sense [31]

23v, How the count of Flanders entered Ghent and his departure without the town’s knowledge, and how the walls of Oudenaarde were torn down by the White Hoods of Ghent and their companions [32]

28r, How the Ghenters surrendered Oudenaarde, and of the homes of the noble men of Flanders which they wrecked, and how a cruel and merciless war began between them and the Ghenters [33]

29v, How the Flemish were engaged in war by the count of Flanders’ noblemen, and of the death of Sir Bertrand du Guesclin, constable of France [34]

31r, How the English rode through and pillaged all of Beauce and the Gâtinais, and also how a squire of that country challenged an Englishman to tilt gallantly [35]

42r, How Gauvain Michaille, a Frenchman, jousted against Joachim Cator, an Englishman, and of the words king Charles uttered on his deathbed, and so on [36]

44r, Of the lord of Hangest, who escaped, and how the lord of Mauvoisin was captured by the English, and of the death of king Charles of France, which was a pity [37]

45v, How the war recommenced between the count of Flanders and the Flemish and how the people of Ypres were defeated by an ambush [38]

60r, How the people of Ypres and Kortrijk turned to the count of Flanders’ party, and how the town of Ghent was besieged [39]

61v, How the count of Flanders raised the siege of Ghent and of the battle fought between himself and his men on the one side, and the Ghenters on the other [40]

63r, How the Ghenters were burnt inside the church of Nevele and how the White Hoods killed several noblemen of the count’s party [41]

65r, How the White Hoods and their captain were killed, and how Philip van Artevelde was appointed captain of Ghent [42]

67r, Of the statutes of Ghent, how the war resumed between the king of Portugal and the king of Spain, and of the visit by the English [43]

69r, How the earl of Cambridge departed England to travel to Portugal and of the common people of England who rebelled against the nobles [44]

71r, Of the crimes the people of England committed against the officers of the kingdom and how they sent a knight to speak with the king of England [45]

73r, How the common people of England entered London and of the great evil and misdeeds they committed, and of the death of the archbishop of Canterbury and many others [46]

74v, How the king of England went out of London to the place known as Mile End to hear the requests of the aforementioned common people, which he granted them [47]

77v, How the duke of Lancaster remained in Scotland for fear of the rebellions in England, and how the English king punished the leaders of these rebellions [48]

Book III, translated from Besançon BM, ms. 865

201r, How master Jehan Froissart undertook rigorous inquiries in order to document how the wars had been conducted in all parts of France [49]

201v, How, after the count of Foix had received master Jehan Froissart at his court most honourably, the aforementioned master Jehan set down in writing the feats of arms that were recounted to him [50]

202r, How the bastard brother of the king of Portugal was elected king after the death of his brother, against the wishes of the nobility [51]

203r, How the king of Castile laid siege with the Spanish to Lisbon where the king of Portugal was, and his call for aid to England [52]

204r, How the prince and princess came to see the count of Armagnac, and the boon which the princess requested of the count of Foix [53]

205r, How the garrison of Lourdes assailed the land of Bigorre, and the capture of Artigat [54]

207r, Regarding several feats of arms carried out by the men of the garrison of Lourdes, and how the count of Armagnac and the lord of Albret were captured by the count of Foix [55]

209v, The wars that the duke of Anjou waged on the English, and how he recovered the castle of Mauvezin in Bigorre [56]

211v, The reasons on account of which the count of Foix built up his treasury, and how the companions of Bigorre fought against the garrison of Lourdes [57]

214r, How the Bourc d’Espagne retrieved the booty from the companions of the castle of Lourdes, and how they were defeated [58]

216v, How the count of Foix was unwilling to accept the county of Bigorre from the king of France, receiving instead only the castle of Mauvezin [59]

217r, Concerning the peace established between the count of Foix and the duke of Berry and the outbreak of the war between the counts of Armagnac and of Foix [60]

219r, Of the immense wealth and prosperity of the count of Foix, and of the wretched manner of the death of Gaston, the son of the count of Foix [61]

222v, How Sir Pierre de Béarn became ill as the result of a phantasm, and how the countess of Biscay, his wife, left him [62]

224r, Regarding the great feast of Saint Nicholas held by the count of Foix, and the deeds of arms which the Bascot de Mauléon recounted to master Jehan Froissart [63]

225v, How several English captains and other men of the free companies were defeated by the French outside the town of Sancerre [64]

227v, How a certain Limousin turned French, and how he had Louis Roubaud seized for the outrage he had committed against him at Brioude [65]

229v, Of the way of life and rule of the count of Foix, and how the town of Santarém rebelled against the violence done to them for which they killed many [66]

234r, Regarding the marvellous and lamentable battle which took place at Aljubarrota between the king of Castile and the king of Portugal [67]

239v, How the king of Portugal and his men prepared themselves wisely for battle on the hill at Aljubarrota, and how the French were slain and the king of Spain and his entire army defeated [68]

241r, How the king of Castile and all of his great host were defeated by the king of Portugal outside the hamlet of Aljubarrota [69]

243r, How a wily spirit named Orton served the lord of Coarraze for a time, bringing him news from all over the world the very day it happened or on the morrow [70]

245v, How siege was laid to Brest in Brittany, and how several English fortresses in the region of Toulouse were recovered by the French [71]

250r, How the castles of Curvalle and Le Mesnil, in Bigorre, were captured by the French, and all those within slain or hanged [72]

252r, How the king of Cyprus was murdered in his bed by his own brother, incited and corrupted by infidels, because of the king’s righteousness and fortitude [73]

254v, How the king of Armenia was questioned and how thirty thousand Turks were defeated and killed in the kingdom of Hungary [74]

255r, How the Hungarians defeated the vanguard of Murad Baqir and how he came to repent of his venture [75]

256r, How pope Clement and pope Urban were in disagreement with one another, and how the kings of Christendom have chosen different sides in the papal election, on account of the wars between them [76]

258v, How the Lisbonners, who supported the king of Portugal, attacked the Castilians with vigour on account of the intemperate words the Castilians spoke to them [77]

260r, How the Portuguese sent envoys to England to report news of their country to the king and great lords of England [78]

266r, How Lourenço Fogaça, the ambassador sent from Portugal to England, informed the duke of Lancaster about the rift between Castile and Portugal [79]

270r, How Lourenço Fogaça gave an account to the duke of Lancaster of the battle of Aljubarrota between the king of Castile and the king of Portugal [80]